August 12, 2009

You deserve something better...

One day when Adriana was returning from college, she saw her best friend Angela talking to a few guys, who later handed over a few packets to her in return of huge amount of money!

"Angela... wait..." she screamed. She saw her running frantically, trying to avoid talking to her.

"Stop running Angela and listen to me."
Angela stopped. Adriana caught hold of her hands and snatched away those packets from her...

"What are you up to? And what are these packets? What is it Angela? Will you explain?"
After remaining silent for nearly a minute...Angela gathered the guts to speak...

"Look Adriana...I just don't need to explain all this to you... But anyways, as you see...these packets contain drugs!", Angela said, trying to free herself away from Adriana.

Adriana walked back home... she had her mind crowded with thoughts about Angela...


Adriana hears a beep. Text message.

"Come soon... there isn't much left!" said.

Twenty minutes later... Adriana was sniffing...smoking... She was not a part of this world anymore!
Drugs ruled her life... Adriana had slowly given into it. She hailed from a middle-class family...she had two younger brothers... no elder siblings.

A few days later, Adriana's younger brother caught her taking drugs! She was taken for counsellings...but no help. Her mom took the last resort... she was sent to the Rehab  Centre!

Six Months Later

Adriana was strolling around when she saw her neighbour's daughter running towards four guys who had that same dreadful thing in their hands... She stood there silently for a minute... her past started to play hide and seek with her! She could not see someone else live her past in front of her own eyes!

She ran to the girl, brought her home... showed her the pictures of her past... her life... as a drug addict... She told her about her life at the rehab... how difficult it was to get out of all that mess...

With this she had saved a life...

There are many others who give in to all this... drugs! Their reasons might be different... some for peer pressure, some for the sake of fun... some may be to run away from their problems... 

It might cost them a few grands to buy it and enjoy it...but it truly costs a costs a lifetime for their family and friends! The pleasure they get from those drugs might last for a few hours... But the damage it does to them, their family and friends lasts for a long time...

P.S.: Quit drugs guys... this is my humble request to all those who have gone for it... its the weakest way out... If you're facing a difficulty (whatever it might be)... drugs is the weakest way! Please... stop killing yourself... you deserve a better life!! 



Anonymous said...

Dop, that we delightful! loved it!

very true what u say, once u get addicted, 99% u dont want to leave it..! why take the hard way out?! quitting is much better than rehab and a wasted life!

kudos! well said!
*pats Dop on the back*

Meow said...

Very very good Artz... your blog is becoming more informative these days :)

kaka said...

nice post....good wat to put it...and as leo said it is better to quit than going for takes a lot of mental strength to do that....applies for smoking too...

Arv said...

a lovely fiction with an important message to all :)

thanks mate :)

parzi said...

that was beautiful aarthi:)
a very thought provoking post...with a wonderful message...glad u posted something like this...way to go!
take care!
god bless!

Anonymous said...

Oh baby, Wonderful.. Aartz.:)

paramveer said...

that was such a good story to raise out awareness.......thank god environment around me is so non-druggy!!...

ani_aset said...

that was a nice post for a good cause...i wish i could write something that effective ...good one

Shravan Raghunath said...

and now thats a good work there :) and a message to pass to many.. good job artz :)

Anurag said...

Mann beautiful fiction ...See u should never ask me about what to write if you can write such fantabulous stuffs :D ...

Nice awareness message :)

Nyx said...

@ All,

I am so glad that you all liked this. :)

Love to all!

h said...

Liked the post.
Drugs word is used too much, u could use dope or blow or stuff..sounds cool :P

Nyx said...

@ Abhri,

Cool haan? :P

Maaaaast! :)

ghostrider said...

heloo,,scary,,shud see requiem for a dream

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